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برچسب: Information Sharing

برچسب: Information Sharing
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Foucault And Lescourret-Information Sharing, Liquidity And Transaction Costs In Floor-Based Trading

InformationSharing,Liquid ity and Transac tionCostsinFloor-B ased Trad ing Systems. We c onsid er informationsharingb etw eentrad ers(\°oor b rokers”) w ho possessd i®erent typesofinformation,namelyinformationonthe payo® ofa riskysec urityor informationon the volume ofliquid itytrad inginthissecurity.We interpret these trad ersasd ual-c apac ity b rokersonthe °oor ofanexchange.We id entify cond itionsund er w hich the trad ersare […]